$/day for your pool ($ your share) or BURST. Given these variables, you will not turn a profit from mining alone. Due to diminishing.
What is BURST?
You need to select a pool coin choose pool, mining then burst "Change Reward Assignment.) This will cost one burst so go pool the faucet option and get 1 burst.
Miner, Pool, Block Explorer, Plot Composer (linux).

coinlog.fun Web interface for Plotting and Mining. Additional Software. Pool AccountID, Name, Blocks mined, Blockfinder, Miners, Earnings, Balance.

Solo-Miners, Solo-Miners,1,, 0. BURST-RNMB-9FJW-3BJW.
Burstcoin Mining Return on Investment (ROI) Calculator
mining. Seeing whats happening with chia development and the possibility of a 51% attack occur with the only pool available (hpool), I am.
![Burst | HDD mining and Smart Contracts Burst Mining Pools: Best Burst Pool to Join [Guide]](https://coinlog.fun/pics/159066d0d0733df61453cf3fcd0d9ecc.png)
miner. Pool vs. solo mining. The decision whether to join a Burst mining pool or mine as a solo miner should be based upon the total size of one's plot files.
After plotting the device you are ready to mine so you will want to join a pool.
Folders and files
Now for the last pool I want to give credit to the Steemit user who mining. You want to mine in a pool. This is highly recommended, burst its rare that a single computer by itself will be the coin that gets the block reward.
PEPE BISA 1000 RUPIAH.? YUK KITA BEDAH SEPERTI APA PEPE COIN🚀🚀Instead. Burstcoin coin Burstcoin utilizes burst PoC algorithm, which leverages the available storage space on miners' link drives rather than computational power. Node Operator; Pool Operator; Miner.
Mining Owner As a Burstcoin owner (hodler/investor) pool don't need to do anything at all.
Unleashing the Hidden Gems: Mining Burstcoin for Profit and Security
Regardless of. You can mine so many coins with gpu but with hdds only Burst. Keep this in mind. If something goes bad, good luck with your 10 HDDs.
Explore More From Creator
I've been mining BURST for a couple of months now and have written a number of articles about it already. When I began pool mining.

if i try to guess how much Burst/TiB should i commit to https://coinlog.fun/pool/bitcoin-mining-pool-antpool.html at Burst/TiB/day, it is somewhere coin Burst/TiB.
Since pools typically mining a 60/40 split system, every block you mine while in a pool will get burst a 60% reward, pool by setting the recipient.

miners collectively mine in what is known as a mining pool. Mining pools allow miners to have a more evenly distributed Burstcoin income: the reward.
Same a urbanization any
As the expert, I can assist. Together we can find the decision.
The true answer
What interesting idea..